SmartBox - SmartObject Data Mapping

SmartBox - SmartObject Data Mapping

Button What it is How to use it
Allows an administrator to configure the SmartObject Lookup Method Click on the Advanced Settings button
Option What it is
Lookup Method A drop down containing the possible system lookup methods
User/Group Name Lists the system names of the Users/Groups with permissions associated with the SmartObject
Unique ID Check this option to
Display Name Check this box to

SmartObject Lookup

The SmartObject lookup feature can be used as a Data Level Security lookup object. An association is required between the SmartObjects in order for the lookup to know which SmartObjects are associated with one another.

Create Lookup Settings in K2 for Visual Studio

We will create two SmartObjects and use one as a lookup for reporting purposes. Follow the steps below to create the lookup from K2 for Visual Studio:

  1. Create a Customer SmartObject

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  2. Create a Region SmartObject

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  3. Click OK and deploy the project.
  4. Create a one to many association on the Customer SmartObject with the Region SmartObject using the RegionID as the mapping property. Deploy the project.

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  5. Enter valid data into the SmartObjects
  6. Go to K2 Management Console in K2 Workspace
  7. Navigate to Server name:Port > SmartBox > Security and click on CustomerVS
  8. Select the Data-level Mapping tab

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  9. Click the Additional Settings button

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  10. Select RegionID as the Id Property, RegionName as the Display Property and Get List as the Lookup Method.
  11. Select RegionVS again and click on the Security button. Click on the Map … button next to the user you want to apply permissions to.
  12. Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  13. Select the Regions you want this user to view and click OK.

    Fig. 1. Customer SmartObject

  14. When this user is logged in and data is retrieved from the Customer SmartObject, only information for the Northern and Southern regions will be displayed.



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